Semiconductor Digest
Semiconductor Digest is a business-to-business publication focused on the dynamic semiconductor manufacturing industry. Semiconductor Digest includes a website, a magazine, which is published 8 times a year, a daily e-newsletter and 6 topical e-newsletters in addition to videos, blogs, technology papers, and webcasts.
Semiconductor Digest delivers content through a mix of news, contributed articles and staff-written articles to a worldwide audience of engineers and executives in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. We are dedicated to providing information about the design, manufacturing, packaging and testing of semiconductors and other types of electronic devices, including MEMs, LEDs, displays, power electronics, optoelectronics/photonics, biomedical devices, solar cells, thin film batteries and flexible electronics. The focus is on the unique requirements of each of these devices in terms of the design tools, process equipment and materials, and test equipment.
Semiconductor Digest Launch Press Release